Monday, July 27, 2009

Tender Mercies...

Let's be honest.
This last week I have been exhausted beyond belief.
David has been studying every day for weeks on end,
and tomorrow and Wednesday
are the culminating events that officially end

I have felt the strength of the Lord throughout this summer, perhaps more than I have felt in a long time, and that is probably because I have needed this Higher Power to
Lead me, Guide me, and Walk beside me.
He has strengthened my spirit, and allowed me to accomplish being a supportive wife and mother.
He has offered me His hand through this adventure.
And, when I have been humble enough to accept it,
He has walked with me.

I have not been perfect, in fact, I joked with my parents, that I almost sold their grandchildren.

tonight as I started thinking about our studying-for-the-blasted-bar adventure,
I was sweetly reminded of the
tender mercies
the Lord has given us.

Tonight, Lincoln came and crawled on my lap
and put his arms around me,
and his head on my shoulder,
and then gave me a big kiss.
As we rocked back and forth
he held my cheeks and said,
"you are the sweetest, yeah you are the sweetest."
My eyes filled with tears
because at my most tired and impatient moment
my sweet boy reminded me of how much the Lord loves me.

Today, Henry and I played peek-a-boo
with his blanket.
He laughed
and laughed
and laughed.
If you haven't heard his laugh,
it can be described as music to the ears.
It's adorable.
He gives me repeated kisses,
and the Lord's tender mercies once again come to mind.

Sunday dinners have been prepared for us all summer
by our wonderful friends,
The B's.
They treat us like family,
and they love us unconditionally.
Yes, The Lord has been merciful in this time of need.

My husband comes home exhausted,
but he always notices the small things I have done around the house.
He always gives me a hug and a kiss,
and I can't help but think
that this
wonderful man
is mine forever.

And that; especially that,
has been and continues to be the most
tender mercy
the Lord has given me.

(We are rooting for you, Sweetheart! We are so proud of you.)


Carlie said...

sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is soooooo faaaarrrrr away! good thing for those little lightening bolts along the way to keep us focused.
i don't know what's the big deal..??? we all know david has pretty much already passed the test. :)

Anonymous said...

Start looking for an all-day spa experience that you can go to after the mpre is over. You deserve it:)

Shauni said...

I love your writing--that is so sweet. Congratulations on getting to this point, and I wish you the best this week! It's all going to turn out great!

Jay and Sherrie said...

We love you guys! Good Luck to David and may the Lord continue to pour out tender mercies upon you.

Erika said...

You're not the only one who wants to sell her children at times. Let's just say that only the best parents want to sell their children. Because it makes us feel better.

Cami said...

Your so awesome, Brandi! What a sweet post. Congrats and good luck to David. We are just beginning our journey through law school in a couple of weeks:)

Green's said...
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Green's said...

Good luck on the bar David. You'll do great!

PS - thanks for being a great hometeacher AND for the adobe program - you've both been a blessing in our lives!

K Lange said...

Hey, thanks so much for thinking of us. Cameron decided to wait until February to take the bar. How was it for Dave? Are you so relieved to be done? Good luck! Keep us posted on how things are going.

K Lange said...

Can you believe it's finally over? What now?

Kelly said...

Brandi, you are amazing! Isn't it wonderful to see how Heavenly Father strengthens us when we feel like we can't go a step further. Growth is a difficult and beautiful journey!

Dan Brewer said...

I love you sweet sissy!

I love David too for being so wonderful for you and for his awesome spirit.

I love those little stinkers too! They are just the cutest little guys out there!

And there is Tina and the little turkey inside her that love you guys too!

And we shall never forget, of course - like always - I love me for being such a wonderful brother and uncle and husband and soon-to-be father and whatever else there is in this world that makes me truly terrific...