Thursday, June 26, 2008


So, for some time I have been wanting to post some more about our adoption journey.

A couple months ago, David and I took Lincoln to Nauvoo. We had the opportunity to walk the Trail of Hope, which was originally called the Trail of Tears. It was an incredibly emotional experience, and I the Spirit pierced my heart and testified to me that their was indeed a multitude of sacrifices made by those who had chosen to follow the Lord.

I obviously didn't cross the Mississippi with the saints, BUT I can imagine what it would have been like to be following the Lord and yet to still have to struggle:

The people did all they could do, and yet, still their boat sank! Some saints were tossed and sported on the water.

Infertility feels like that.

Yet, they continued on. They did what they could. And, even through the fourthwatch, they were diligent and obedient.

They were blessed for their sacrifice.

She traveled a long way before she had her son.
She didn't mind the hardship of her situation because, her life had been preserved;

Motherhood feels like that.

And her son(s)

were so worth the wait:

And so beautiful.

LIFE: The Trail of Tears; The Trail of Hope.


Kasey said...

Brandi! how nice to hear from you. I'm so glad you stopped to say hey. I remember everyone, but I never know it I'm remembered. I'm so gald that I am! I'm so glad you are doing well and are so happy. Your 2 boys are adorable. What an exciting journey though many ups and downs. Thanks for posting your feeling about the pregnancy pact. I for one, am sick over it! It's hard enough to be a mom at 28 who has a husbands Love, support and helpt everyday. All I hafta say is stupid girls! They have no idea. And when they get a clue, it will be too late. UGH!
I'm looking forward to checing you guys out!
Oh, I need to tell you about Michelle. My sister married her husband Matt's little brother. So, we cross paths every now and then. If you want I will give you her e-mail address. E-mail me at and I'll forward it to you.
It was so nice to hear from you!
Kasey =)

**Tell your brother hello for me!

Becky said...
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Kara said...

I know, I know, I keep dropping off the face of the earth. I do have an excuse this time. I have been really sick. I am trying to get over a sore throat, an earache and double pink eye, among other things. I will get back on the wagon and post soon!! Thanks for caring. Hey are you guys going to the reunion?