Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Welcome Back Brandi

I used to be so dedicated and so diligent with writing on my blog. Then, life got busy. Who knows when I will be back, but for now, I wanted to post about welcoming a new member to our family. His name is Anthony. He is Henry's birth father. We see so much of Anthony in Henry. Our dear Joanie Girl set up a time for all of us to meet, and we are so grateful for her. We love her to the ends of the earth. Not many I have met have been able to love more completely than our birth moms, and we have infinite gratitude for their goodness.

Anthony is a potato farmer and has a beautiful dog who follows him everywhere. After three hours of eating, playing at the park, and hot chocolate, Anthony said, "I didn't know what to expect today, but I feel like I became a better person today. I am so happy Henry is with you." We love you too!

 Henry on the road trip to Ogallala!
 This is one of my favorite pictures.
 It's hard to see, but they have the exact same eyes. In fact for the last 6 months each time we turn on the living room light Henry has told us to turn it off so he didn't get a headache. It just made me giggle because he is 3 and I didn't think he knew what a headache was. But, when we asked Anthony to take off his sunglasses so we could take his picture he said he had a high sensitivity to light!

 FAVORITE picture of our trip! Love this girl!

 Henry has always loved moving. He rolled consistenly at 5 weeks, crawled at 5 months, walked at 10 months, and doesn't stop. He just started preschool where they work especially with kids who have ADHD. We found out that Anthony was exactly the same when he was young, and he loves being a potato farmer because he gets to move all day.
Welcome to the family Anthony!


Julie B. said...

That is awesome!

Tina said...

Oh it was fun to see these pictures! I am glad you wrote on your blog again. I miss your thoughts and insights. Miss you guys!

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