In the last four months I have received some much needed counsel.
The counsel came from two different people; both men of God who have my best interest at heart.
My dad was first. I have a special relationship with my dad. I know that he is a man of God. I know that he loves my mom, and I know he loves me. So, I took it to heart when my dad counseled me to enjoy my family.
Second, and not long after my dad's counsel, my bishop counseled me to enjoy my time at home with my family.
As I have pondered this counsel, I have been blessed. Enjoying the monotony that sometimes is everyday life can be challenging. But, as I have allowed myself the humility to listen, I have received great tender mercies from the Lord.
Lincoln has offered me some of the greatest learning experiences of my life. Lincoln made me a Mama. I often look back at the pictures of his birth day, and I marvel at the newness of life; his new life and mine.
On the way to preschool one morning Lincoln told me, "if you do bad everyday you'll be sad and your heart glow will go down to darkness."
It makes me giggle a little but I know it's a beautiful description of eternal truths.

a heart full of happy.
I have had an abundance of tender mercies given to me regarding raising our beautiful, boisterous, and very busy Henry. It is often hard, and almost impossible to find a quiet minute. But, I learned an invaluable lesson one day as I was seeking the Lord's counsel, meanwhile chasing Henry. The thought came, ' Kick the ball with Henry.' Even though I was not on my knees pondering, the Lord instructed me on how to reach my two year old. As we kicked the ball, my heart was so filled with gratitude that a loving Father in Heaven could reach me with a still, small voice even amidst the earthquake.
Tonight, as I put Henry to bed we had this conversation:
Me: Henry, when you grow up do you want to be Peter Pan?
Henry: I can't be Peter Pan. I can't fly.
Me: You can't fly?
Henry: I can't fly. It's much too dangerous.
Someday soon you will realize you can fly.
Now, I am willing to bet that Jacob is the happiest baby ever. He has given me a bright glimpse into the future needs of my refrigerator. At 4 months, he was 17lbs, 8 oz. He loves to eat. He is full of smiles and laughs, and he doesn't cry unless he is hungry. He wakes up happy and laughs at his brothers. He loves the bathtub and he loves to roll himself over. He will be crawling within a month, and we look forward to July when he is sealed to our family forever.
In awe of the world.
So, today I am grateful for the love that these two men have given me through their righteous counsel. I have simplified my life, and have taken more moments to enjoy the beauty that so readily surrounds me --even when it surrounds me at 2 a.m. when they crawl in my bed.--I love my beautiful family, and I could not say all of this without remembering this beautiful day, which we will soon celebrate as 7 years.
Eternally Yours.
Cool post. So true. Your little Jacob is so cute. You are surrounded by BOYS! Lucky you.
I LOVED reading this. I'm so happy for you and your beautiful family. Yay for July!!
You always have such a beautiful perspective on life. I love your posts!
I love how you always see the good in your children. Too many moms would only see the "earthquake" that their children leave behind. What an inspired reminder to give more, and love fiercely.
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