Friday, September 12, 2008


I was starting to feel overwhelmed tonight, so I thought I would write it all down to remind myself that it can all get done--one thing at a time:

Read Scriptures and Read to my kids.
Read ongoing list of blogs
One of the following: Park, museum, zoo, library
Compose basic so thousands in Brazil can learn English.
Brush teeth,
Eat--but cook first so we can eat
Dancing at dinner--yes we do this and we love it!
Mother's guilt
Choose to be happy

Clorox the bathrooms
Grocery shop
Date my husband
Play group
Church-lead the music in Sacrament
Pick up Laurie's kids from school.
(If I put dusting/sweeping the floors here I would be lying, but thinking about it definitely goes here!)
Blog: this is sometimes daily, but...

YES. that's all I'm going to write about that
Visiting teaching
Bills: garbage, water, cable/internet, electricity, gas,
Book Club
Record those basic songs so thousands in Brazil can learn English
paint a room in the house

Yearly/Twice a year/Every other year:
A1C tested
Visit ObGyn
Renew Temple Recommend
Pay Geico
Phone Bill
HHS application- I have to write it here bcause it is 17 pages long
Family pictures: it's about that time!

inventor of new words like lifely

Tomorrow when I wake up, I will probably have twenty things to add to this if you can think of anything--let me know!


Jaush and Amy said...

Well since you are going to add to the list...I have decided to help your remove some.
-First why pay bills(Gieco/water/electric/phone etc)? Look into automatic bill pay because then all you do is double check it got paid.
-Date your husband: just cook dinner together, grocery shop together or get a treat at Circle K when you get gas together.
-Mothers Guilt: who needs it throw that away.
-Blog: Just check weekly on ours, dan/Tina's, mookies, and Boss/beccs
-Write songs for brazilians to learn english: Just sing crazy things to the boys all day until you get something catchy and then put them down for naps and write it down!
Love you sis, have fun being busy, someday you will miss the Choas. Just ask mooks!

Erika said...

I love that you wrote down brush teeth.
I hear ya.

Jaime said...

you have to remind yourself to brush your teeth..... hmm...!!! Dont you just love lists! I have them all over my house and like only 1/2 gets done! Its usually the 1/2 that consists of cleaning! UGH I need a maid!!! I am so glad I found you! I would think about you all the time and wonder what the heck happened to you! Love you lots and lots!

By Divine Design said...

I can help pick up Laurie's kids any day, just let me know. And good for you on Cloroxing your bathroom once a week. I'm lucky if I get to mine once a month. And it isn't because I don't have time, I just don't want to. Luckily C and I have our own bathrooms, so he doesn't mind and neither do I.

fuz&michelle said...

Hey Brandi! i found your blog through Jaush's. You are amazing, I just kept reading your older posts to read your story! I'm so happy for you and your two little boys and so impressed with all that you are doing with adoption. It's so good to see what you are up to. :)