Wednesday, November 19, 2008


A girlfriend from college, Leah, tagged me!

First, let me say that I love Leah! We completely disagree politically, but we are bound through music, our religion, and tagging people on blogs. Thanks Leah!

Here are the rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about six quirks you have.
4. Tag six fellow bloggers to do the same.
5. Leave a comment to let them know.

1) I plan completely in advance. I lay everyone's clothes out the night before (WELL! if there was a fire we would all have readily available clothes.) My grocery list is compiled according to the set up in the store.

2) I really think my husband is perfect. The only people that seem to disagree with me are his parents. And not that they don't know him, but he really is perfect. I refuse to argue with anyone that would tell me differently. He is my favorite person; my best friend; lover; and eternal date.

3) I love to mix ketchup, mustard, and relish together when I eat my hot dog for breakfast. My two year old loves hot dogs, and I'm afraid he got it from me.

4) I want to have 12 kids. Watching Cheaper By the Dozen only amplifies this desire. I love my baby boys. They are good boys, and I am living my life long dream of being their mom. Honestly, I would have loved having 6 kids in 6 years, but that obviously didn't happen. Sometimes I wonder why--but infertility is not a quirk so I'll stop there.

5) I usually fall in love with the beat and melodies of music before I really understand the lyrics. When I was about 14 Garth Brooks was singing, "The Thunder rolls, " and I said to my dad, "I love this song," After it was over he said, "do you know what that songs about?" hmmm....He explained it to me.....still like the beat and meoldy
Fortunately and Unfortunately, at 28, I still have this problem. The following songs I LOVE. thankfully most of these are actually songs with great messages.... You can click on them if you want to hear them.
a. PICTURE ( this might be the only song on the list that doesn't uplift you)
b. Life in a northern Town
c. Come What May
d. Sing your Praise to the Lord
e. Bye Bye Bye
f. Anyway

6) Sometimes I say "H," or "D" Those are actually what I say. Sorry to offend any readers, but sometimes there are no other letters to describe a situation. Seriously, sometimes there are no other words.

I tag....Mookie, Tiny, Amy, Rebecca, Becky, Sherrie,
and MomJ--I am tagging you in hopes you will update the blog!


Aimee said...

I love the music to "The Thunder Rolls" too...but when I catch myself singing along I keep thinking "this isn't the best song". Keep singing

Tina said...

You are so cute! Although I have to say I share the quirk of ordering my grocery list according to the store layout and it has driven me crazy getting used to new stores here. I never thought it was cute I just thought it was my OCD, I am compelled to do it! :O)

Carlie said...

some things never change, sis. you are still the most fabulous girl, and i love you for it!

Jay and Sherrie said...

Question, if I update my blog, can I avoid telling people my quirks?

The Brewer Family said...

I stay in trouble with liking music without knowing the lyrics. There are some songs I tell my friends that I liked when I was a teenager only to find out recently (after looking them up online and reading the lyrics)that the songs were actually really bad! How embarrassing!

Kelly said...

How fun to learn some of your quirks. I think my favorite is that you lay out clothes the night before.
I have the same problem with music. The beat and music always get to me before I realize what it's even about.

Erika said...

Ditto on the shopping list thing. There is no other way. You always forget something important if you don't organize it that way.

Kasey said...

I like Thunder Rolls too! I just don't think about the words. It's super fun to sing too!

proudmamablogga said...

I think it's awesome that you say H or D. I used to say the first thing I saw. Like "frying pan!" Then the ridiculousness of it would make me laugh in spite of myself.

Brew Crew said...

I just don't know about this Tagged thing. I am up to my eyeballs in sewing so I will try. But if I don't then I guess I am not much of a tag player.