Dear Joanie Girl,
Last year in February, we met you for the first time. We loved you from the beginning. You were absolutely beautiful. You were searching for answers as you were carrying a sweet baby boy, right next to your heart. We prayed for you every single day. We prayed that God would give you the strength you needed to make a hard decision.
As we think about the month of February, our hearts are filled with so much love for you. We still love you. When we talk to you, we can feel of your goodness, and you are still a stunning young woman. You are incredibly beautiful. We still pray for you. We ask God to keep you strong and help you in your daily life. We pray that you will be eternally blessed because of your goodness.
I love to see Henry dance when I get out the yogurt (because it reminds me of how you ate yogurt every day during your pregnancy. ) After his bath, I love to see his hair hold onto a little curl, just like yours. I love that when he stands up, he curls his toes on the carpet--just like you. I love that he has so much of you.
I love February, because it reminds me of you. It reminds me of Henry. It reminds me of the forever part that you play in our family.
Even if they took away all the celebration of Valentine's Day-- February would still be the best month to remember, because it means that we met you and you joined our family forever.
We Love You Joanie Girl
Last year in February, we met you for the first time. We loved you from the beginning. You were absolutely beautiful. You were searching for answers as you were carrying a sweet baby boy, right next to your heart. We prayed for you every single day. We prayed that God would give you the strength you needed to make a hard decision.
As we think about the month of February, our hearts are filled with so much love for you. We still love you. When we talk to you, we can feel of your goodness, and you are still a stunning young woman. You are incredibly beautiful. We still pray for you. We ask God to keep you strong and help you in your daily life. We pray that you will be eternally blessed because of your goodness.
I love to see Henry dance when I get out the yogurt (because it reminds me of how you ate yogurt every day during your pregnancy. ) After his bath, I love to see his hair hold onto a little curl, just like yours. I love that when he stands up, he curls his toes on the carpet--just like you. I love that he has so much of you.
I love February, because it reminds me of you. It reminds me of Henry. It reminds me of the forever part that you play in our family.
Even if they took away all the celebration of Valentine's Day-- February would still be the best month to remember, because it means that we met you and you joined our family forever.
We Love You Joanie Girl
Brandi, you have such a beautiful family! BTW: the goodies arrived, and it totally made my day! Thanks SO much! Yours are in progress...
Hey Brandi! I hope you remember me, I know it's been quite a while. I just found your blog today and I wanted to write a quick note. I scrolled through some old posts and I have to say, your family is absolutely beautiful and you are still the super sweet, inspiring girl I remember!! I love that! You are awesome!!
i love this post today. it made my heart sing. friday is tyson's "chosen day"--it's an official holiday at the r house and printed on the calendar. lol. we are freaks.
also, i am wearing my necklace today. thank you. seriously. you have no idea...
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