We had such a wonderful visit to Arizona.
When we got to Tucson, we stayed with
Car-Car, Trevor, and sweet baby girl Ellena.
Ellena shared her toys and books with me,
and she helped me make cookies.
She took me swimming,
and of course she took me to eegees.
She told me she loved me hundreds of times a day,
and she was also quite a snuggle bug.

I was going to put a picture here of me and Car-Car
(I took it right before we left, and after nap-time),
so I thought better of it,
because who knows how many blackmail pictures she has
of me from high school and college.
We had so much fun spending time withmy brother
Jaush, and his wife Amy, and their 3 cute kids.
Those sweet little kiddos helped me so much
when I started missing my babies.
I got lots of hugs and tons of kisses.
We tried to go camping at the Grand Canyon,
but the power in the camp went out at about midnight.
So, we headed home after a great meal of steak and potatoes.
I was always close to my brothers,
and being around one of them during the trip made me feel so at home.

It was windy, but the kids were troopers.
This is also about the time where Lincoln called me
and asked me to sing "I am a Child of God,"
So, in front of all the people at the Grand Canyon,
I sang him his lullaby.

Baby Isaac.


MY brother Jaush, reading the scriptures with his kids.

So, now, I am going to
close my eyes,
click my heels three times
and say,
There's no place like home.